sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

Top six alkaline foods to eat every day for vibrant health

Saturday, December 08, 2012 by: Angela Doss

(NaturalNews) The typical American diet is a deadly one, consisting primarily of toxic and acid-forming foods like processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, conventionally produced meats and dairy, and hidden genetically modified organisms. All this, combined with a plethora of other challenging environmental factors (such as lack of rest, psychological stress, and pharmaceutical drugs), mean it's no wonder that more and more people are being diagnosed with chronic, degenerative illnesses or otherwise deadly conditions for which modern conventional medicine claims to have no known cure.

One of the basic underlying problems with this unsustainable lifestyle - and there are many - is the average consumer's lack of understanding that the body must balance the blood's pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive. When a person ingests food to "burn" for fuel, the digestive and metabolic process transforms it into a kind of ash which is either acidic or alkaline. The laws of modern biochemistry further explain that it is not the organic matter of foods (whether the food itself is acidic or alkaline), but their inorganic matter (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorous; that is, how they break down in our bodies), that determines either the acidity or alkalinity of this ashy residue.

For this reason, and because all foods in nature contain both acid and alkaline-forming elements according to the Conscious Living Center, balance is either achieved or thwarted as a direct result of the foods we choose to eat. Too many acid-forming foods can have dire consequences for our health, with "acidosis" being a common diagnosis in diabetics, for example. This is because when the nutrients required to maintain this slightly alkaline state cannot be obtained from food, the body will instead draw from its own stores, like the bones or other vital tissues - damaging its ability to repair itself and detoxify heavy metals, thereby making a person more vulnerable to fatigue and illness. And the margin for error is small. Even an only slightly acidic pH of 6.9 can actually lead to coma and death.

Of course, the ultimate goal is balance. Eating too many alkalizing foods can lead to its own fair share of complications over time, but the risk of this is seemingly less likely, given the current sorry state of today's highly addictive consumerist diet. To combat the effects of such a diet, here are six of the most alkaline-forming foods to work into your everyday meals:

1. Root vegetables

Due to the healing "yang" nature of these foods in traditional Chinese medicine, and their tendency to be more rich in minerals than many other vegetables, it may be safe to say that you can't get enough of them. Look for radishes especially (black, red or white), as well as beets, carrots, turnips, horseradish and rutabaga. Ready to eat after steaming for just 15-20 minutes, root vegetables will help you feel both satiated and better grounded.

2. Cruciferous vegetables

These are the veggies we all know and love, made even more delicious with just a small amount of healthy, homemade sauce like pesto. Choose from broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and the like.

3. Leafy greens

These include kale, Swiss chard, turnip greens and spinach - of which spinach may in fact be the best pick. Known especially for its rich vitamin K and folate content, spinach is also packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber, helping to improve digestion and even vision.

4. Garlic

A true miracle food, garlic appears at the top of innumerable lists of foods that encourage overall health, and alkaline-forming food is no exception. Among its other benefits are its ability to promote cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease.

5. Cayenne peppers (Capsicum)

As part of a family of potent, tropical peppers which contain enzymes essential to endocrine function, cayenne is among the most alkalizing foods. It is known for its antibacterial properties and is a rich supply of vitamin A, making it a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness.

6. Lemons

Lemons may be the most alkalizing food of all. As a natural disinfectant, it can heal wounds while also providing potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification.

So it can't hurt to think twice about what's on your plate at your next meal, but not doing so might. Just applying that age-old motherly advice to "eat your vegetables" can be a solid first step in achieving better health.

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Four things you need to know about cancer and Candida

Saturday, December 08, 2012 by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Cancer and Candida are apparently closely related. Some even claim Candida causes cancer, while others say they both originate and thrive in the same low pH, high acidic environment, possibly with a symbiotic relationship.

Candida yeast fungi are present to some extent in most or perhaps all of us. When the fungus overwhelms the gut's probiotic presence is when Candida begins to be an overall health threat.

When it comes to the relationship of Candida to cancer, very few oncologists will consider that possibility. This; despite the fact that there are increasing reports of cancer tumors residing amongst Candida colonies from many orthodox medical sources.

The prerequisite conditions that precipitate Candida are: Using pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics; diets high in sugary foods and beverages, excess alcohol, cigarette smoking, and caffeine, SAD (standard American diet) with lots of processed flour and other processed foods, a long period of anxiety or worry.

The ideal probiotic bacteria to pathogenic bacteria is 85/15, maybe 80/20. When this goes out of balance, the yeast can overwhelm probiotic bacteria and infect other areas. The usual lifestyle suspects contribute to low pH, high acid inner terrain or organ environments which invite both cancer cells and yeast spores to flourish.

Here are four major areas to keep in mind about Candida and cancer

(1) The overlapping and crossover symptoms of Candida overgrowth, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Celiac disease, and other conditions connected to chronic fatigue are mind boggling. This simple test that may determine if you have Candida overgrowth.

Have a glass of water by your bedside. Upon awakening, spit into the water. Every 15 minutes for an hour, look for the following indicators: Stringy trails from the surface saliva dangling like jelly fish tentacles, tiny cloudy spots suspended in the water, the saliva blob drops intact onto the bottom of the glass.

The later any visual indicators show, the less infected you are. Indicators showing within the first few minutes may point to a worse condition. No indicators may mean you're free from Candida overgrowth.

(2) There are several natural remedies suggested for resolving Candida issues: Wild oregano oil, Pao D' Arco, garlic, whole clove teas, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and even cold pressed virgin coconut oil is highly recommended. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033459_candida_natural_remedies.html)

Be prepared to slow down if you become overwhelmed by yeast parasites dying off. Drinking a lot of pure water and applying detox principles can help avoid this.

(3) Killing the live yeast colonies is not enough because the spores released will re-establish colonies as long as the probiotic level is low. Most probiotics will not kill yeast parasites.

But TotalFlora and ThreeLac probiotics are considered both potent enough to kill yeast fungus cells and provide friendly flora gut linings.

(4) Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) has emerged as the cheapest and perhaps best remedy for yeast infections and related cancers. Rome oncologist and author of Cancer is a Fungus Dr. Tulio Simoncini has a high cure rate on cancer. He believes cancer is caused by Candida overgrowth, which he treats by injecting or dripping bicarbonate of soda solutions into tumor areas.

Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Sodium Bicarbonate - Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment thinks the origin of cancer tumors is more complex. But he does see the connection to Candida overgrowth with cancer. He also treats cancers with IV baking soda drips or injections.

By simply drinking a teaspoonful of baking soda in a solution of pure water daily or a half-hour before meals, you can kill off yeast infections. For cancer anywhere along the digestive tract, drinking baking soda with molasses or maple syrup has worked wonders. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027481_prostate_cancer_baking_soda.html)

The molasses or maple syrup is bait for glucose dependent cancer cells to take in the baking soda's high pH rush, which oxygenates cancer cells to death. It's suggested by these experts and the CancerTutor.com to limit any bicarbonate of soda therapy to three weeks at a time.

Use the sources below for more detailed information.

Sources for this article include:

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Processed cows milk linked to diabetes

Saturday, December 08, 2012 by: Joseph Bova

(NaturalNews) We all grew up with the classical food pyramid, consuming all the proper servings of grains, dairy, and meat. Well, what if you found out that one of the main levels of the food pyramid actually could give you diabetes? Studies have indeed shown that our bodies, when reacting to A1 beta-casein in dairy, cause a diabetes-like response.

The facts

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent conditions in the western world. According to the American Diabetes Association, 18.8 million people are currently diagnosed with diabetes in the United States, seven million people are currently undiagnosed and 79 million people are classified as "pre-diabetic."

For decades, people who have developed Type I diabetes have been told that there is nothing they can do about it, that they were just "born" that way. However, studies have been done which show significantly strong evidence that auto-antibody reactions against the A1 beta-casein particles in cows' milk, may contribute to beta cell (pancreas) dysfunction and Type I diabetes. The correlation has been shown through multiple studies worldwide. The prevalence of casein consumption and diabetes diagnoses are very closely related. The suspected manner in which this occurs is through what is known as cross reactivity (micro-mimicry). Cross reactivity is when our bodies attack a foreign agent such as casein, as well as a cell type in our body. What happens is as we consume dairy products, our body has to digest the food. It breaks the dairy down into both whey and casein proteins. In cross reactivity or micro-mimicry reactions, the body attacks the casein molecule as a foreign invader, and it also begins to attack beta cells in the pancreas because they look very similar. The reaction is similar to a guy taking a girl out on a date, and the next time he goes to take her on the date, he actually takes her twin sister out. The two particles may act and look the same but obviously, we know they are not the same. Unfortunately, when the body's immune system is in "attack" mode, it sometimes gets "a little carried away." As stated by Cavallo et al (1996), it is suggested that micro-mimicry may take place between a sequence of the beta-casein protein and an epitope of the GLUT 2 transporter. This means when the body attacks the casein molecule, it will also attack the GLUT 2 transporter dealing with glucose regulation.

Think about the type of diet an average American has in 2012. If you take the high inflammatory diet that Americans have and add these micro-mimicry reactions, you can see why autoimmune disease is such a problem today. If you read the data from 1975 until 2010 in regards to dairy consumption per year, you will see an increase of 77 pounds per capita. This is a significant increase considering we have more knowledge of food now than we did in 1975.

So, does this mean that casein is the only cause of diabetes, no. It does mean; however, that before you give your kid a nice tall glass of cows' milk, think about the future repercussions. You are not giving your child diabetes, but you are increasing their chance of developing this disease. Now, there are many alternative options that are very delicious and healthy. In fact, options such as coconut milk or almond milk actually have many benefits. Now you have the information, it is up to you to choose not to be ignorant and make changes.


Banchuin N, Boonyasrisawat W, Vannasaeng S, et al. Cell-mediated immune responses to GAD and beta-casein in type 1 diabetes mellitus in Thailand. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2002;55(3):237-45
Birgisdottir BE, Hill JP, Thorsson AV, Thorsdottir I. Lower consumption of cow milk protein A1 beta-casein at 2 years of age, rather than consumption among 11- to 14-year-old adolescents, may explain the lower incidence of type 1 diabetes in Iceland than in Scandinavia. Ann Nutr Metab. 2006;50(3):177-83
Cavallo MG, Fava D, Monetini L, et al. Cell-mediated immune response to beta casein in recent-onset insulin-dependent diabetes: implications for disease pathogenesis. Lancet. 1996;348(9032):926-8
Cavallo MG, Monetini L, Walker BK, et al. Diabetes and cows' milk. Letter. Lancet. 1996;348(9032):1655
Elliott RB, Harris DP, Hill JP, at al. Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and cow milk: casein variant consumption. Diabetologia. 1999;42(3):292-6
Fava D, Leslie RD, Pozzilli P. Relationship between dairy product consumption and incidence of IDDM in childhood in Italy. Diabetes Care. 1994;17(12):1488-9
Inman LR, McAllister CT, Chen L, et al. Autoantibodies to the GLUT-2 glucose transporter of beta cells in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus of recent onset. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1993;90(4):1281-4
Karvonen M, Viik-Kajander M, Moltchanova E, et al. Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. Diabetes Mondiale (DiaMond) Project Group. Diabetes Care. 2000;23(10):1516-26
Laugesen M, Elliott R. Ischaemic heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, and cow milk A1 beta-casein. N Z Med J. 2003;116(1168):U295
Monetini L, Barone F, Stefanini L, et al. Establishment of T cell lines to bovine beta-casein and beta-casein-derived epitopes in patients with type 1 diabetes. J Endocrinol. 2003;176(1):143-50
Monetini L, Cavallo MG, Stefanini L, et al. Bovine beta-casein antibodies in breast- and bottle-fed infants: their relevance in Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2001;17(1):51-4
Padberg S, Schumm-Draeger PM, Petzoldt R, et al. The significance of A1 and A2 antibodies against beta-casein in type-1 diabetes mellitus. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1999;124(50):1518-21
Pozzilli P. Beta-casein in cow's milk: a major antigenic determinant for type 1 diabetes? J Endocrinol Invest. 1999;22(7):562-7
Thorsdottir I, Birgisdottir BE, Johannsdottir IM, et al. Different beta-casein fractions in Icelandic versus Scandinavian cow's milk may influence diabetogenicity of cow's milk in infancy and explain low incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Iceland. Pediatrics. 2000;106(4):719-24

About the author:
Joseph Bova is a student doctor at the Palmer College of Chiropractic Student Clinic in Port Orange, FL. He is also pursuing a Diplomate in Functional Neurology from the Carrick Institue for Graduate Studies. Joe is versed in both functional nutrition and medicine. As a student doctor Joe has helped patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson''s Disease, Huningtons Chorea, Cervical Dystonia, ADD/ADHD, and Autism. Joe has also helped people with more common issues such as; acid reflux, hypertension, gastrointestinal issues, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, head aches, back pain and much more. You can follow Joe on twitter at BovaJoe, or on his blog at BovaHealthandWellness.com.

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Study finds link between veggies and emotions

Saturday, December 08, 2012 by: Raw Michelle

(NaturalNews) A truly inspirational study carried out by a small team of researchers found that there is more to consuming vegetables than meets the eye: Is there anything else that veggies can change about a person other than their nutrient intake? The answer, now according to science, is yes.

Veggies influence how we feel about others

Practitioners of naturopathy and holistic living have often stressed the importance that high quality foods can have on all aspects of life, and now science finally backs this claim. The research, carried out by Brian Wansink, Misturu Shimizu and Adam Brumberg, shows that adding vegetables to our diets can alter our perception about food, ourselves and the person who prepares the meal. As such, there must be a strong psychological component to eating veggies, the researchers argued.

To test this hypothesis, the scientists conducted a series of interviews, as well as a nation-wide survey of 500 mothers with two or more underage children. One part of the research had respondents associate the meal preparer with a series of adjectives, such as "selfish" or "loving," based solely on having eaten their food.

Food tastes better with veggies

Surprisingly, one of the most striking results of the study was that vegetables can improve the taste of foods. Until now, many people (including former president George H. W. Bush, who openly hated broccoli) claimed that veggies don't taste as good as other food items, like fried chicken and fries. However, most study participants gave significantly higher ratings to the meals that contained vegetables, in contrast to steak, pasta and fried chicken, which received the worst overall ratings. In fact, broccoli was one of the vegetables that helped improve the rating of foods.

The preparers of vegetable dishes also received much better descriptions, including adjectives like "attentive," "capable" and "thoughtful," which prompted the researchers to conclude that veggies can really make or break a meal.

Interestingly, one of the questions in the survey asked participants to state what their child's favorite vegetable is. Over a dozen different vegetables were mentioned, yet again, broccoli took the crown as the most popular vegetable among older children, while carrots appeared more desirable to younger kids.

At the end of the study, the researchers jokingly concluded that if a high nutritional content is not a good motivator, then the fact that adding veggies to meals can make a cook become loved at home, should do the trick. Jokes aside, any means of increasing vegetable consumption, especially among children, is worthy of consideration, both for the nutritional and emotional benefits.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle created RawFoodHealthWatch.com, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.

Beat IBS naturally with acupuncture

Saturday, December 08, 2012 by: PF Louis
(NaturalNews) A recent study by the University of York Department of Health Studies in the UK showed positive results on IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) using acupuncture.

The study's report has the usual pandering that relegates anything "alternative as supportive to standard medicine." But there were some interesting results from the study.

The trial used 233 long-term IBS sufferers, average duration 13 years, whose symptom severity scores (SSS) were 100 or more. They were split into two treatment protocols. Half received standard medical care, and the other half standard care plus one weekly acupuncture session for 10 weeks. [1]

Those who received acupuncture showed greater reductions in their SSS scores, but more importantly, these improvements lasted through follow-up testing at three, six, nine, and 12 months after the treatments.

One question: Why did this report consider acupuncture a beneficial adjunct to standard treatments when the subjects had severe IBS for at least 13 years in a country that provides healthcare to all its citizens without out-of-pocket payments? Obviously, their "standard of care" didn't cut it.

That's not unusual for IBS victims everywhere who normally have to resort to coping with IBS by observing their diets to avoid triggering symptoms because mainstream medicine has little to offer. There are other acupuncture/IBS clinical studies available from source [2] below.

Observing someone's diet and handling stress with IBS is also recommended by Chinese doctors. But an American acupuncturist also claims strong results using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to harmonize liver and spleen chi for IBS sufferers. [3]

A simple summary explanation of acupuncture

It's difficult for most Westerners to understand Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It's especially difficult for trained Western practitioners to grasp the basics of this 5,000-year-old medical tradition. TCM and Ayurveda are based on similar paradigms that are completely different from Western medical constructs.

Even when TCM prescribes herbs, their diagnoses are made based on organ energy or chi functions, not biochemical or physical. Acupuncture is based on stimulating those chi energies to unblock them and channel their flows along well charted chi meridians.

Instead of lots of of blood tests, X-rays, and invasive biopsies, TCM practitioners are able to determine low, blocked, or excess chi and how it relates to your health by determining the quality of your pulse with their fingers.

Additionally, they take a long, hard look at your tongue and notice signs that are usually ignored while regarding your symptoms.

It's amazing how well they can read your symptoms from these procedures. They can even determine your health trend and consequences before western medicine's technology can. In other words, diagnosing at the subtle chi energy levels can identify a health problem before it becomes a full blown physical reality.

From that, an intervention of acupuncture treatments and herbs is prescribed. According to a Taiwanese acupuncturist in Los Angeles, that's one reason too many Chinese are turning to Western medicine. It takes several visits and weeks of herbs to realize a cure. But the results are actual improved health and often a cure.

The combined efforts of the Medical Mafia (AMA, FDA, Big Pharma) are effective at maintaining their toxic monopoly that creates more illness than it cures. And the insurance industry refuses to cover so called "alternative" health practices, even though they are all less costly.

Think about that. Irrational, or part of a planned collusion with Big Pharma and the AMA to maintain its medical monopoly? The quick fixes modern Chinese are seeking are temporary symptom relief at best. It's a con.

Patients feel some symptomatic relief and think they're cured while staying on a treadmill of sick care from the side effects of toxic pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, radiation from CT scans and X-Rays, and reactions from the toxic injections used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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Cultivo y usos de la Equinácea

Aunque su cultivo como planta perenne de jardín se ha extendido a casi cualquier parte del planeta, la equinácea (también llamada Rudbeckia) es originaria del occidente de Estados Unidos, en cuyos terrenos arenosos y herbazales crecen tres variedades diferentes: la Echinacea angustifolia, la Echinacea pallida y la Echinacea purpurea, según el color de sus flores: rosa, blanco y rojo o púrpura.Todas ellas tienen el aspecto de las margaritas, pero con un cono central más prominente y una altura superior, su tallo suele alcanzar una altura de entre 45 cm. y 1,2 m. y estar recorrido por ásperas hojas de color verde oscuro.

Además de para formar parte de nuestro botiquín, la equinácea también es perfecta para decorar terrazas, grandes jardines (en grupos sobre el césped) o incluso el interior de nuestra casa (luce mucho como flor cortada). Para elegir su ubicación, debes saber que le gusta el pleno sol (tolera una sombra parcial, que realza el color de sus flores) y, por tanto, resiste estupendamente el calor del verano; eso sí, siempre que el suelo donde se asienta esté bien drenado.

Por lo demás, no necesita grades cuidados:

- Luz: le gusta el pleno sol. Echinacea tolerará una sombra parcial que realza el color de las flores.
- Resiste bien el calor del verano.
-Resiste bien las heladas
- Suelos bien drenados.
- No precisan cuidados especiales.
-El cultivo se establece en primavera, usando una distancia de 40-45 cm. entre hileras y 30-35 cm. sobre la hilera.


Un periodo de estratificación incrementa considerablemente la rapidez y tasa de germinación. Las simientes pueden ser sembradas en una mezcla de arena y turba y situadas al exterior durante el invierno. Entonces es necesario de proteger el semillero, por una red por ejemplo, para que las semillas no sean demasiadas tentadoras para pequeños animales como roedores.

En cuanto a las simientes sembradas directamente en el jardín, deben ser absolutamente protegidas, durante el invierno, por un acolchado vegetal. Esta técnica, da solamente un ligero porcentaje de germinación.

Otra técnica consiste en poner las simientes en arena o turba húmeda y de situarlas en el frigorífico, durante un periodo de1 mes. Al final de este periodo de estratificación, las simientes pueden ser sembradas en un sustrato. La velocidad de germinación es entonces grandemente acelerada si las semillas son sembradas en la superficie del sustrato y ligeramente hundidas en vez de sembrarlas en profundidad.

Así, las simientes de Echinacea purpurea, estratificadas en el frigorífico durante un mes y sembradas de esta manera, germinan en el espacio de 5 días en vez que las mismas simientes sembradas en profundidad pueden requerir de 2 a 4 semanas para germinar.

Muchas pruebas de cultivo han sido realizadas en USA o en Alemania. Por regla general, mas largo es el tiempo de estratificación, mas fácil es la germinación.

Cuando las plantitas tienen de 6-7 semanas, pueden ser trasplantadas al jardín. Es esencial mantener deservado a las pequeñas plantas.

División de mata:
Esta técnica es mas recomendable hacerla en otoño que en primavera.

Plantación de trozo de raíz:
Plantar segmentos de raíz de unos 12cm. En lo posible los trozos de raíz se cogerán cuando la planta tenga como edad mínima 3-4 años.

Usos de la Equinacea

La parte más utilizada de esta planta medicinal es la raíz (también se manufacturan preparados aprovechando la planta entera), que contiene equinacina, ácido cafeico y ácido chicórico. Estos principios activos incrementan la producción de glóbulos blancos y de interferón (una proteína sintetizada por nuestro propio cuerpo que neutraliza los virus). Gracias a estos componentes, la equinácea se ha ganado el sobrenombre de “antibiótico vegetal“.

Debemos puntualizar que este apelativo no es del todo correcto, pues la planta no mata por sí misma las bacterias como un antibiótico farmacológico, sino que estimula nuestro organismo para luchar más y mejor contra las infecciones que éstas provocan. Además de ser muy beneficiosa para potenciar nuestro sistema inmunológico, tiene otros efectos positivos sobre la salud que han sido comprobados científicamente desde hace décadas:

- Acción antiséptica: aumenta la resistencia de la piel contra el ataque de bacterias, virus y hongos.

- Acción antiinflamatoria: ofrece excelentes resultados en la cura de pacientes afectados de artritis crónica y reduce aproximadamente un 22% la inflamación articular. Además, al contrario que otros antiinflamatorios, la equinácea no provoca acidez estomacal.

- Acción cicatrizante:ayuda a restaurar los márgenes de heridas abiertas. Además, es muy eficaz en el tratamiento por vía externa de úlceras, forúnculos, infecciones cutáneas y sabañones, reconstituyendo el tejido lesionado.

- Acción antioxidante: protege el colágeno de nuestra piel de la acción dañina de los radicales libres y del oxígeno.

- Acción antitumoral:su uso para combatir el cáncer está actualmente en fase de estudios y discusión; pero parece ser que contiene arabinogalactano, un principio activo que estimula la destrucción de células tumorales.

Data: 02.12.2012

Oficina de culinária para crianças que ocorreu no seminário da FIC

Nutricionistas Heloína Pimentel e Mariana Thalacker (explicando)
Gustavo, Yasmim, Guilherme e Nayara 

Oficina no III Seminário de Plantas Medicinas da Faculdade Cantareira (01.12.2012)
Na segunda coloco o nome dos artistas mirins.

valse d'amelie BADI ASSAD

Produção de sementes (v.1) e mudas (v.2) de espécies florestais nativas

Plantas denominadas de pimenta no Brasil - I

São inúmeras as espécies que recebem a denominação pimenta no Brasil, o que gera muita confusão, pois nem todas são condimentos e há algumas que são exclusivamente medicinais. No entanto, as usadas na culinária, com poucas exceções, são também consideradas medicinais.

Para iniciar esta série, começamos com a pimenta-de-macaco, também denominada de pindaíba (Xylopia aromatica). É uma pequena árvore de nosso cerrado, e os seus frutos e as suas sementes moídos são usados como condimento. A madeira é usada em construções rurais, mas é de pouca durabilidade.

Recomendável seu uso em áreas degradadas, pois cresce rápido e consegue se desenvolver , inclusive em solos secos e de baixa fertilidade.

Apesar de pouco conhecida na maioria das regiões brasileiras, seu uso como condimento já foi descrito por Saint Hilaire, em 1824:

“...seus frutos, muito aromáticos, têm o odor da pimenta do reino; e se o sabor não é tão forte, eles são, no entanto, mais agradáveis. Se fossem mais conhecidos, esses frutos seriam certamente procurados como especiaria, e poderiam dar lugar a um novo ramo do comércio”.
Foto: Camargo et al., 2011


CAMARGO, Maria Gabriela G.; SOUZA, Regina M.; REYS, Paula and MORELLATO, Leonor P.C..Effects of environmental conditions associated to the cardinal orientation on the reproductive phenology of the cerrado savanna tree Xylopia aromatica (Annonaceae).An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. [online]. 2011, vol.83, n.3, pp. 1007-1020. Epub July 15, 2011. ISSN 0001-3765.

Mapa de distribuição no Brasil
Fonte: http://cncflora.jbrj.gov.br/plataforma2/book/especie.php?id=110557 (Obs.: esse link contém muitas informações sobre a planta, incluindo aspectos botânicos e usos).

Artigos sobre a planta:

Texto: Marcos Roberto Furlan

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Aguacate. Propiedades medicinales


Menta. Propiedades y usos medicinales





Propiedades y usos medicinales de la guayaba

Hortelã - infográfico

Menta Propiedades


Noruega pagará US$180 mi ao Brasil por redução no desmatamento

OSLO, 6 Dez (Reuters) - A Noruega concordou em liberar 180 milhões de dólares ao Brasil como parte de um acordo mais amplo de 1 bilhão de dólares para reduzir o desmatamento na Floresta Amazônica, disse o ministro do Meio Ambiente norueguês na quinta-feira.

A Noruega havia prometido 1 bilhão de dólares ao Brasil e 1 bilhão de dólares para a Indonésia pela proteção de suas florestas tropicais e advertiu o governo indonésio no começo deste ano que a reforma de seu setor florestal não será o suficiente para o cumprimento da promessa de reduzir as emissões de carbono em 26 por cento até 2020.

O desmatamento no Brasil caiu ao seu nível mais baixo em 24 anos em 2012, informou o governo, e o acordo de quinta-feira eleva a contribuição total da Noruega ao Fundo Amazônia para 670 milhões de dólares.

"Esses esforços têm um efeito positivo tremendo para a biodiversidade, o sustento das comunidades locais e dos povos indígenas e os padrões de chuva local e global", disse o ministro norueguês Baard Vegar Solhjell.

"A importância do que o Brasil alcançou com relação ao desmatamento nos últimos anos não pode ser subestimada", afirmou ele em um comunicado.

A Noruega, um dos países mais ricos do mundo com PIB per capita de mais de 100 mil dólares, é também uma das nações mais generosas, gastando cerca de 1 por cento da renda nacional bruta em assistência internacional.

Em 2011, o país gastou 4,9 bilhões de dólares em ajuda externa. O dinheiro foi para mais de 100 países da América Central e do Sul, da África e da Ásia.

(Reportagem de Balazs Koranyi)
© Thomson Reuters 2012 All rights reserved.

Data: 06.12.2012

Kaori Fujii & Eric Cecil: Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, H. Villa-Lobos

Consuming pomegranate juice regularly improves heart health

Tuesday, December 04, 2012 by: Brad Chase

(NaturalNews) Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins. The health benefits of pomegranate juice have been compared to that of red wine, purple grape juice, and black tea. The only potential downside of fresh pomegranate juice is that it is very high in natural sugar. One cup of pomegranate juice has nearly 30 grams of sugar.

Pomegranate juice reduces atherosclerosis

In 2005, scientists at the Preventative Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, CA wanted to discover if pomegranate juice would help reduce atherosclerosis, the leading cause of heart disease. In this study, patients with coronary heart disease either drank 240 mL (one cup) pomegranate juice or a similar- tasting placebo every day for three months. EKGs and visual images were administered at the beginning and end of the study for comparisons.

At the end of the three months, ischemia, the restriction of blood flow due to blockage, decreased in the pomegranate juice group. However, in the placebo juice group, ischemia actually increased. No other changes occurred in this carefully controlled study.

Pomegranate juice reduces high blood pressure

In 2009, a team of scientists published a review of all available research on the benefits of pomegranate juice in the medical journal Nutrition Review. Pomegranate juice was documented to not only improve blood flow in the cardiovascular system of heart patients, but helped to reduce high blood pressure and inflammation as well. The juice was able to reduce lesions in the blood vessels of mice with atherosclerosis and the thickness of blood vessels in heart patients who were on prescription medications.

The study noted that Type II diabetics who drank pomegranate juice saw a decrease in their blood lipid (fat cell) levels. These scientists determined that pomegranate juice protects the cardiovascular system so well that it should be promoted as a standard part of a heart-healthy diet.

Pomegranate juice helps prevent future heart disease

Promising studies such as the above prompted the faculty of the zoology department at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara in India to determine if pomegranate juice could protect rats that later developed heart disease. In 2010, these scientists fed pomegranate juice to a group of healthy rats for 30 days, while keeping a control group of rats for comparison. On days 28 and 29, both groups of rats were treated with a solution which induced heart disease. The group of rats which had been fed pomegranate juice was significantly less affected by the solution.

Johns Hopkins University promotes pomegranate juice as an alternative to drugs

Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing strongly supports the consumption of pomegranate juice for heart health. In 2011, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice published a study on practices involving patients with high blood pressure and heart disease. The study stated that hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common disease seen in clinical practice today. If patients do not make lifestyle changes, they will eventually have to be treated with drugs. As an alternative to medication, Johns Hopkins University recommends the consumption of pomegranate juice. It reduces blood pressure and the enzyme activity that leads to heart disease.

Pubmed.gov, American Journal of Cardiology. 2005 Sep 15;96(6):810-4. "Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on myocardial perfusion in patients with coronary heart disease." Sumner MD and Elliott-Eller M, et al.

Pubmed.gov, Nutrition Review. 2009 Jan;67(1):49-56. "Pomegranate juice: a heart-healthy fruit juice." Basu A and Penugonda K.

Pubmed.gov, Cardiovascular Toxicology. 2010 Sep;10(3):174-80. "Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice supplementation attenuates isoproterenol-induced cardiac necrosis in rats." Jadeja RN and Thounaojam MC, et al.

Pubmed.gov, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2011 May;17(2):113-5. "The effects of pomegranate juice consumption on blood pressure and cardiovascular health." Stowe CB.

About the author:
Brad Chase is the President of ProgressiveHealth.com. His website provides articles and natural remedies to help people solve their health concerns.

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File:Pomegranate fruit.jpg

Singapura: plantas condimentares em selos

Ano: 2001

Polinização representada em selos dos EUA

...Post Offices will be abuzz with the release of the Pollination stamps. The 20-stamp booklet consists of four stamps arranged in two alternate and interlocking blocks of four. The intricate design of these four beautiful stamps emphasizes the ecological relationship between pollinators and plants and suggests the biodiversity necessary to ensure the viability of that relationship.

Depicted on the Pollination stamps are four wildflowers and four pollinators. The common and scientific names of the featured flowers are purple nightshade, also known as chaparral nightshade (Solanum xanti); hummingbird trumpet (Epilobium canum); saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) and prairie ironweed, also known as common ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata). The common and scientific names of the featured animal pollinators are Morrison’s bumblebee (Bombus morrisoni); calliope hummingbird (Stellula calliope); lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae) and Southern dogface butterfly (Colias cesonia)...

Ginger root is a miracle cure for prostate cancer

(NaturalNews) Prostate cancer is one of the most over-treated cancers out there. By 50 years of age, about 40 percent of all men already have prostate cancer and likely will never know it. But it will not kill them either - unless they are screened for it and then treated with Big Pharma protocols. Then things take an ugly turn as the benign and slow-growing cancer turns into the killer kind. The numbers for prostate cancer doubles to 80 percent of all men by the age of 80 years old. If you are in the business of selling cancer treatments, this is a financial boon and a cash-cow.

The male prostate gland naturally enlarges with age. The bigger it gets, the greater the chance that some of the cells in the prostate will turn cancerous. This is mainly due to our highly inflammatory diets full of gluten, cancer causing GMOs, sugars and chemical additives combined with our sedentary lifestyles and poor stool habits.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force this year found that PSA blood tests are too unreliable and give false positives 80 percent of the time with 1,000 men needing to be screened just to prevent a single prostate cancer death - but that's not the worst of it. Many will succumb to impotence, incontinence, heart attacks and even death from treatment of tiny tumors that never would have killed them in the first place.

Ginger is the miracle cure

The British Journal of Nutrition published the results of an American study recently in which ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) actually killed human prostate cancer cells while healthy prostate cells did not die. The results occurred at a daily dose of 100 mg of ginger extract per kg of body weight (based on a man weighing 150 pounds this equals about 550 mg extract per day). In eight weeks, the ginger extract slashed prostate tumor growth in half. The researchers have estimated that 100 grams of fresh ginger eaten daily will offer the same results.

As a cancer champion, ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects upon tumors making ginger a promising chemopreventive agent. Whole ginger extract holds significant growth-inhibitory and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of cancer cells by interrupting cancer cell-cycle progression, impairing cancer reproduction and modulating apoptosis. But most importantly, ginger does not have any toxicity in normal, rapidly dividing tissues such as gut and bone marrow.

Ginger taken orally can prevent or relieve nausea resulting from chemotherapy, motion sickness, pregnancy, and surgery.

Not only can ginger root cure cancer, but it is a natural remedy for travel sickness, nausea, indigestion, flatulence, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, loss of appetite, chills, poor circulation, menstrual cramps, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion and many other gastrointestinal problems. Ginger root is also a powerful anti-inflammatory for joint problems and is indicated for arthritis, fevers, headaches, toothaches, coughs, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, high cholesterol and blood-pressure and can also prevent internal blood clots. Ginger is even anti-viral and makes a warming cold and flu remedy.

Prostate do's and don'ts

There are studies showing that men consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid and zinc oxide are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Men also taking large amounts of high-dose multi-vitamins develop prostate cancer more frequently. On the other hand, other studies suggest that fish oil, magnesium, curcumin, broccoli and lycopene (found in tomato products) help protect men against cancer. Avoiding all GMO foods and processed foods along with their litany of chemical additives is a must for prostate health. Maintaining a low-carb diet is also known to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Oh, and don't forget to take ginger root.

Sources for this article

Cancer Research 1999 Mar 15;59(6):1225-30.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2007;99:754-64.
Prostate. 2008 Jan 1;68(1):11-9.

About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. http://www.healingpathwayscancerclinic.com/ With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at www.blog.realhealthtalk.com and his articles and radio show archives at www.realhealthtalk.com

Five ways astragalus helps your body heal itself

(NaturalNews) With a healing reputation in Eastern medicine that's already thousands of years old, the astragalus herb, renowned for its ability to deeply strengthen the immune system, is becoming even more widely used in Western treatments as well.

Derived from a perennial plant native to China, Mongolia and Korea, the plant's root is dried, prepared into a tincture, tablet or topical treatment, and applied as a natural remedy for all kinds of health conditions, from fatigue, ulcers and liver toxicity, to diabetes, blood pressure and circulation, and even cancer. The potency of this amazing herb is now so widely acknowledged that even the conventional medical community has begun using its isolated compounds as a base ingredient in certain prescription medications.

One of the features that makes astragalus so uniquely effective is the presence of a particular class of polysaccharides, which help to reduce inflammation, regulate blood flow and activate immune cells. It also has antioxidant effects, protecting cells against damage by free radicals, as well as adaptogenic effects, meaning it helps the body respond and adapt more positively to environmental stress factors, both physiological and psychological.

Of the seemingly numberless useful healing applications of astragalus, the following are among the most commonly recognized:

Recovery from cancer

Based on the understanding that common cancer treatments actually make patients more vulnerable to other illnesses by suppressing immune function, Chinese researchers set out in the 1970s to determine whether astragalus might help. What they found was that astragalus not only helped; it made the difference in life or death for some. By stimulating an otherwise depressed and ravaged bone marrow tissue into producing more white blood cells, the body's first line of defense, building up their sensitivity to harmful micro-organisms and thereby guarding against gastrointestinal poisoning, astragalus effectively increased survival rates among cancer patients.

Heart disease

Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, recent Chinese studies suggest that astragalus may play a helpful role in relieving symptoms of severe forms of heart disease, as well as improving overall heart function.


Cellular health gets a boost from astragalus, which helps to slow your DNA's degradation over time. Serving a function similar to the plastic caps on the tips of shoelaces, small pieces of DNA called telomeres help to keep chromosomes from unraveling. With each new cell replication; however, these telomeres become gradually shorter, until at last they are no longer useful. Clinical studies on mice have demonstrated the ability of astragalus root extract in helping extend the length, and therefore the life, of these precious telomeres.

Diabetes and blood sugar

Generally speaking, diabetics may do quite well on astragalus. One study has reportedly found that astragalus root can actually help to balance blood sugar - not just lower it, mind you, but balance it. Effectively, that means when blood glucose levels are too low, this amazing herb can help to raise it; conversely, when blood glucose levels creep too high, it can help to lower it. In this way, astragalus root may actually help protect against all kinds of symptoms and possible complications resulting from irregular blood sugar levels.

Seasonal allergies and colds

One study has shown astragalus may be beneficial in reducing symptoms related to allergic rhinitis and hay fever. Plus, due to its apparent antibacterial and antiviral properties, it is also used commonly in traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment or prevention of colds and influenza; though, in some cases it may actually worsen symptoms, especially when given to children with fever.

When used properly and at the appropriate dosages (no more than 25 grams per day), astragalus appears to offer maximum health benefits with very low risk for side effects. Very high doses, on the other hand, may actually work to suppress immune function. Astragalus may also react negatively with other herbal treatments or medications, especially lithium, or drugs designed to suppress the immune system; so be sure to do some research before you begin taking it. Questions also remain about its safety for those with health conditions labeled as "autoimmune," such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It is typically not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. As with any treatment, conventional or alternative, it is strongly recommended to consult your preferred health professional with any questions and concerns you may have.

Sources for this article include:

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Enciclopédia do chá (Revista Casa e jardim)

Para "navegar" no infográfico, visite o link: http://revistacasaejardim.globo.com/Revista/Common/0,,EMI164823-18069,00-ENCICLOPEDIA+DO+CHA.html

Fonte do infográfico: Vanderlí F. Marchiori, nutricionista e fitoterapeuta, Carla Saueressig, dona d´A Loja do Chá Tee Gschwendner, e Paula Simonsen, especialista do Hotel Emiliano.

Garlic Benefits. Properties, medicinal uses

Abacate: infográfico

Propiedades y usos medicinales del aguacate

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Eating Fewer, Larger Meals May Prove Healthier for Obese Women

ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2012) — Media articles and nutritionists alike have perpetuated the idea that for healthy metabolisms individuals should consume small meals multiple times a day. However, new research conducted at the University of Missouri suggests all-day snacking might not be as beneficial as previously thought, especially for obese women.

"Our data suggests that, for obese women, eating fewer, bigger meals may be more advantageous metabolically compared to eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day," said the study's lead author, Tim Heden, a doctoral student in MU's Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. "Eating larger meals less often lowered blood-fat levels. Over time, consistently eating fewer, larger meals each day could lower the women's blood-fat levels and thereby lower their risk of developing heart disease."

Heden and other MU researchers studied how meal frequency affected blood-sugar and blood-fat levels in eight obese women throughout two 12-hour periods on two separate days. All of the women consumed 1,500 calories. During the two different testing days, the participants consumed three 500-calorie liquid meals or six 250-calorie liquid meals. Throughout the 12-hour time frames, researchers tested sugar and fat levels in the women's blood every 30 minutes. Women who consumed three meals had significantly lower fat in their blood.

"The mass media and many health care practitioners often advocate eating several small meals throughout the day," Heden said. "However, when we examined the literature, we didn't find many studies examining or supporting this popular claim. This lack of research led to our study, which is one of the first to examine how meal frequency affects insulin and blood-fat levels in obese women during an entire day of eating."

More than one-third of Americans are obese, and these individuals are especially at risk for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heden says the research could help nutritionists and medical professionals develop strategies to improve the health of obese women.

"With multiple meals throughout the day, you have to be careful. If you start consuming several meals, there's more potential to overeat or to make unhealthy snack choices with easily accessible junk food," said Jill Kanaley, professor in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology and study co-author. "Some people are good at making efforts to eat healthy snacks; however, most people aren't, and they end up taking in too many calories. The more times you sit down to eat, the more calories you're probably going to take in."

Obese women would benefit from consuming three balanced meals a day, Heden and Kanaley agree.

The study, "Meal Frequency Differentially Alters postprandial Triacylglycerol and Insulin Concentrations in Obese Women," will be published in the journal Obesity.

The Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology is jointly administered by MU's College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, College of Human Environmental Sciences and School of Medicine.

Journal Reference:
Timothy D. Heden, Ying Liu, Lauren J. Sims, Adam T. Whaley-Connell, Anand Chockalingam, Kevin C. Dellsperger, Jill A. Kanaley. Meal Frequency Differentially Alters Postprandial Triacylglycerol and Insulin Concentrations in Obese Women. Obesity, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/oby.2012.171


Oscar Niemeyer e suas obras geniais

Homenagem ao nosso grande humanista.

Pinda é referência com o tratamento de plantas medicinais

A Prefeitura de Pindamonhangaba e a Apta - Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios - desenvolvem um projeto com plantas medicinais que é referência em várias regiões do país. As pesquisas no setor de Fitotecnia estão beneficiando muitos moradores que tem utilizado dessas plantas no tratamento de algumas doenças.

Pinda realiza as pesquisas de plantas medicinas e a Apta desenvolve um trabalho junto com o Cpic - Centro de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares. Dentro desse projeto são produzidas mudas que vão para as unidades do Programa da Saúde da Família e também fazem parte da lista de medicamentos do município.

"O trabalho chamou a atenção do Ministério de Saúde e de vários municípios que procuram Pinda para saber como é feito o projeto e como é implementado o programa. Uma parte muito importante desse trabalho é o processo de formação permanente dos prescritores que atendem a população. É necessária sempre a atualização", explica a pesquisadora científica na área de plantas medicais e engenheira agrônoma, Dra. Sandra Maria Pereira da Silva, diretora técnica de divisão do Polo Regional do Vale do Paraíba.

"No âmbito municipal e federal já existe uma legislação que ampara a os fitoterápicos e na relação dos medicamentos do munícipio, hoje já existe a possibilidade de comprar medicamentos de fitoterapia e isso é um grande passo para a saúde de Pinda", ressalta a assistente social do Cpic, Iracelis Fátima Moraes.

Na cidade há quatro tipos de medicamentos fitoterápicos: o creme de calêndula, que é usado para tratar de úlceras, escaras, queimaduras, assaduras de pele e acne; o creme de babosa, que é para o tratamento de queimaduras, úlceras e escaras; xarope de guaco, que é expectorante e bronco dilatador; e a tintura de tansagem, utilizada para aftas, gengivites, inflamação de intestino, feridas e furúnculos.

O projeto também abrange as rodas de estudos de plantas, que são realizadas todo mês e tem encontros com a comunidade e profissionais para estudar e fazer troca de informações em cima das questões das plantas medicinais. As rodas acontecem desde 1992 e até o ano de 2010 já foram feitas 136 rodas e atendidas 3.626 pessoas.

Algumas unidades de saúde fazem as hortas medicinais que são utilizadas para orientação das pessoas, reconhecimento e utilização das plantas. Para participar das atividades nas hortas é preciso procurar uma unidade de saúde mais próxima de sua residência.

Mais informações podem ser obtidas no Setor de Fitotecnia da Apta, pelo telefone (12) 3642-1823, ou no Cpic, 3642-2420.

Data: 06.12.2012