domingo, 15 de março de 2015

European Journal of Medicinal Plants, v.7, n.2, 2015

Current Articles

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a growing problem worldwide which implies a huge financial burden and issu...

Aim: To investigate the effect of methanolic extract of seeds and leaves of Abrus precatorius on imp...

Aim: Usually called Tea of Gambia, Lippia multiflora is traditionally used for its sedative, relaxin...

Aims: In this work the 95% ethanol extract of the Nigerian Piliostigma thonningii known traditionall...

The bioactive phyto constituents of endemic and acclimated plants have been used for the bioprospect...

The essential oils obtained from different parts of Alpinia malaccencis (Burm f.) (Zingiberaceae) co...

Aims: To investigate the awareness and the use of herbal products among undergraduate students of th...

Aims: To investigate antioxidant related effects of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) in humans. ...

Background: Anti-Nutritional-Factors (ANF) are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with th...

The phytocheimcal components and antihyperglycemic potential of methanol and ethanol leaves extracts...

Introduction: Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan (Caesalpiniaceae) and Moringa ole...

Aim: To investigate the possible antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of purified extract obtain...

Aims: To investigate cytotoxicity of pure fractions of compounds extracted from yoyo bitters on huma...

Aims: The therapeutic effect of Euphorbia heterophylla and cassava flakes mixture in treatment of Sa...

Aims: To determine the total phenols content and antioxidant activity of Cola rostrata and C. lepido...

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