quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

Soil to sky: feeding the world sustainably

There are currently 1 billion people in the world who are hungry… there’s also another billion people who over eat unhealthy foods. Today, food production around the world is mostly done through industrial agriculture, and by judging the world’s current situation with obesity issues, worldwide food shortages, and the destruction of soil, it may not be the best process in use. We need to be able to feed our world without destroying it, and finding a more sustainable approach to accomplishing that is becoming increasingly more important. 

The current industrial system contributes to one-third of global greenhouse emissions, is a tremendous user and polluter of our world’s water resources, and is a leading contributor to malnutrition, heart-disease and obesity. Industrial agriculture is more a part of the problem than the cure. It relies on the mass produced and mechanized labor-saving policies that have pushed people out of rural areas and into cities, consolidating land and resources into fewer hands.

Agroecology looks to reduces agriculture’s impact on climate by working within natural systems. This is especially beneficial in rural areas, because agroecology makes the local community a major part of the growing process from seed to mouth. The approach can conserve and protect soil and water — through terracing, contour farming, intercropping, and agroforestry — techniques which are especially beneficial in poorer areas where farmers lack modern irrigation infrastructure, or have farms situated on hillsides and other difficult farming sites.

Data: 03.10.2012

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