domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013

Naming of Plants

Or: How Plants Get Their Tongue Twisting Latin Names

The naming of plants happens in various ways – common names of plants evolve from country folk’s fanciful descriptions of their perceived uses, or appearance.

Latin names, the correct botanical naming of plants, are based on a particular plants kinship with other similar or not so similar plants. Plant identification is based on the ways these plants relate to each other, mainly due to characteristics of blooms and leaf form and arrangement.

Some of the differences are minute and microscopic.

This leads to re-grouping plants at times into either a new genus or combining them with other genera to form a new one. The two groups of scientists and botanists responsible for this are known as ‘lumpers’ and ‘splitters’ for their preferred systems.

Using a botanical key to narrow down the possibilities will give you an idea of which genus and species your plant belongs to.

Each genus is grouped with others into a family, and also splits into different species. Binomial nomenclature, a long way of saying two names, defines to which genus and species each plant belongs.

Latin is used for the naming of plants, as it’s the same around the globe – even though common names may differ in other locations, the Latin botanical name will never alter.

Naming of plants using the correct botanical names can be descriptive, using the appearance of the plant such as fuzzy, upright or coloured; or commemorative, using the habitat, or sometimes the name of the person who first made the discovery on a plant exploration expedition.

A Guide to Botanical Descriptive Names of Plants:

Leaf Form:

acerifolia = maple like 
angustifolia = slender leaves 
aquifolius = spiny or prickly leaves 
buxifolius, buxifolium = boxwood like leaves 
ilicifolius = holly like leaves 
laurifolius = leaves like laurel 
parvifolius = small leaves 
populifolius = leaves like poplar 
salicifolia = willow like leaves

Colours of Foliage or Flowers:

albus = white 
argenteas = silvery 
aureau = golden 
azureus = sky blue 
caesius = gray blue 
caeruleus, coeruleus = dark blue 
candidus = shiny pure white 
canus = ashy gray or hoary 
carneus = flesh coloured 
cereus = waxy 
citrinus = yellow 
coccineus = scarlet 
concolor = one colour 
creceus = yellow 
cruentus = bloody 
discolor = two colours or separate colours 
glaucus = covered with grey bloom or pruinose 
incanus = gray, hoary 
luteus = reddish yellow 
nigra = black 
purpureus = dark red or purple 
rubens, ruber = red or ruddy 
rufus – ruddy

Plant Shape:

adpressus = pressing against, hugging 
altus = tall 
arboreus = tree like 
capitatus = head like 
compactus = compact, densely growing 
confertus = crowded, pressed together 
contortus = twisted 
decumbens = laying down 
depressus = pressed down 
elegans = elegant, slender, willowy 
fastigiatus = upright, branches erect and close together 
humifusus = sprawling on the ground 
humilis = low, small, humble 
impressus = impressed upon 
nanus = dwarf 
procumbens = trailing 
prostrates = prostrate 
pumilis = puny, insignificant 
repens = creeping 
reptans = creeping 
scandens = climbing 

Plant Characteristics:

armutus = armed 
baccatus = berried or berry like 
barbatus = barbed or bearded 
campanulatus = bell or cup shaped 
ciliaris = fringed 
cordatus = heart shaped 
cornutus = horned 
crassus = thick or fleshy 
decurrens = running down the stem 
-dendron = tree 
diffractans = shattering 
diversi = varying 
edulis = edible 
floridus = free flowering 
fragilis = fragile, brittle 
fruticosus = shrubby 
fulgens = shiny 
gracilis = slender, thin or small 
grandis = large and showy 
-ifer, -iferus = bearing or having – for example, stoloniferus = having stolons 
laciniatus = fringed or torn edges 
laevigatus = smooth 
lobatus = lobed 
maculatus = spotted 
mollis = soft, or softly haired 
mucronatus = pointed 
nutans = nodding or swaying 
officinalis = medicinal 
obtusus = blunt or flattened 
-oides = like or resembling – for example – jasminoides, like a jasmine 
patens = open spreading growth 
pinnatus = like a feather 
plenus = double, or full 
plumosus = feathery 
praecox = precocious, early blooming, early growing 
pungens = piercing 
radicans = rooting, especially along the stem 
reticulatus = net veined 
retusus = notched at blunt apex 
rugosus = wrinkled or rough 
sacharatus = sweet or sugary 
sagittalis = arrow like 
scabrous = rough feeling 
scoparius = broom like

Geographical Locale:

The suffix –ensis which means ‘of a place’ is added to place names to specify the habitat of origin. 

australis = southern 
borealis = northern 
campestris = of the field or plains 
canadensis = of Canada 
canariensis = of the Canary Islands 
carpensis = of the Cape of Good Hope area 
chilensis = of Chile 
chinensis = of China 
hortensis = of gardens 
insularis = of the island 
japonica = of Japan 
littoralis = of the seashore 
montanus = of the mountains 
riparius = of river banks 
rivalis, rivularis = of brooks 
saxatilis = inhabiting rocks 
tectorum = roof growing

You can see the root words of many words in the English language in the Latin botanical names of plants, so contrary to the belief of many scholars, Latin is not really a dead language at all, simply adapted to our use for the naming of plants.

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